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Christmas Lunch - 12 December
18 of us descended on the L'Auberge Du Noyer (Walnut Tree) for the annual club Christmas Lunch. Excellent food and plenty of it - most of us waddled out (slowly). We also tried something different with everyone bringing a 'Secret Santa' gift (priced at no more than €10). So everyone had a little something to take home. Presents were randomised to ensure that you didn't take home what you brought - this seemed to go down well. Thanks to all that supported this event.
Run & Lunch - 3 October
4 MGs (1 x MGB GT V8, 1 x MGF Trophy & 2 MGTFs) met up at the Auberge Des Lacs, in Massignac for coffee. Then John & Liz led us off in some very minor roads through the countryside (see attached map). Stopping at:
1. 300 Year Old Trees @ Peyrassoulat-Cheronnac; On the banks of the Tardoire, in a place called Peyrassoulat, we will discover some hidden treasures. The Peyrassoulat site is classified as a Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest, thanks to three hybrid plane trees from the West, an Oriental plane tree, and four yew trees whose branches form a remarkable plant vault. One of the plane trees has a wingspan of 40 m and a circumference of 6 m. On a site once occupied by a forge and then seemingly forgotten, these trees made the most of their isolation and grew and spread over time to the visitors delight. They now offer a magnificent green theatre.
2. Chateau de Lavaugayon; The ruins of an 11th century castle. In mediaeval times the castle would have dominated the Tardoire river valley below. Rebuilt in 1489 and abandoned in the 18th century, the castle was largely dismantled during the 1789 revolution in order to prevent “the fanatical attempts of the aristocracy to restore their ancient regime.” The castle’s history includes a successful siege by French forces against the English occupiers in 1381. Presently the chateau is owned by an association, the President of which is a direct descendent of the aristocratic family that once owned the castle.
After the stops it was onwards to Cherves-Chatelars for lunch. After lunch we all headed home.
Thanks to John for organising this event.
1. 300 Year Old Trees @ Peyrassoulat-Cheronnac; On the banks of the Tardoire, in a place called Peyrassoulat, we will discover some hidden treasures. The Peyrassoulat site is classified as a Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest, thanks to three hybrid plane trees from the West, an Oriental plane tree, and four yew trees whose branches form a remarkable plant vault. One of the plane trees has a wingspan of 40 m and a circumference of 6 m. On a site once occupied by a forge and then seemingly forgotten, these trees made the most of their isolation and grew and spread over time to the visitors delight. They now offer a magnificent green theatre.
2. Chateau de Lavaugayon; The ruins of an 11th century castle. In mediaeval times the castle would have dominated the Tardoire river valley below. Rebuilt in 1489 and abandoned in the 18th century, the castle was largely dismantled during the 1789 revolution in order to prevent “the fanatical attempts of the aristocracy to restore their ancient regime.” The castle’s history includes a successful siege by French forces against the English occupiers in 1381. Presently the chateau is owned by an association, the President of which is a direct descendent of the aristocratic family that once owned the castle.
After the stops it was onwards to Cherves-Chatelars for lunch. After lunch we all headed home.
Thanks to John for organising this event.
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Run, Lunch & 10-PiN Bowling - 19 September
4 MGs and 1 Town Car met up in Ruffec (2 x MGF Trophy's, I x MGTF & 1 MG EHS) and then had a run through the countryside to Mansle for coffee. After coffee, Mikey led us through the countryside to The Panda Chinese Buffet in Angouleme for lunch, where we were joined by Brad & Jeannine.
After we had all stuffed ourselves from the Chinese Buffet (too many choices), we drove around the Angouleme ring road to Le Hall Black for a couple of games of 10-Pin Bowling.
There was a prize for the highest score, which was won by Mikey.
Thanks to Mikey for organising this fun event.
After we had all stuffed ourselves from the Chinese Buffet (too many choices), we drove around the Angouleme ring road to Le Hall Black for a couple of games of 10-Pin Bowling.
There was a prize for the highest score, which was won by Mikey.
Thanks to Mikey for organising this fun event.
CMGOC Day Outing to Brantome - 5 September
The aim was for the club to descend on Brantome from different directions. Andy led a contingent from the North West, starting in Ruffec. A comfort break at Leclerc in La Rochefoucauld, where we were met by Brad & Jeannine - then onwards to Brantome to meet up with Alan (from the South) and John (from the North East) for coffee.
After coffee we had a slow wander along the river to the Bar de Amis for lunch.
After lunch, Alan had arranged a guided river boat trip - which we all found very informative.
Then a way around town before heading home.
Thanks to Alan & Sarah for arranging this day trip to a very pretty little town.
After coffee we had a slow wander along the river to the Bar de Amis for lunch.
After lunch, Alan had arranged a guided river boat trip - which we all found very informative.
Then a way around town before heading home.
Thanks to Alan & Sarah for arranging this day trip to a very pretty little town.
Station Buffet - 8 august
9 of us met up at Les Tilleuls café, St. Claud for coffee. Andy then led us off, four MGs (1 MGA, 1 MGF, 1 MGF Trophy & 2 MGTF), on a very scenic run through the countryside - utilising as many back roads as possible between St. Claud and Limalonges.
Arriving at Chez Maggie & Tony's, Limalonges for the last Station Buffet, as the house has been sold.
Maggie & Tony hosted a good spread of food for 18 of us. As this was a Charity event we managed to raise €265.
Not only a big thanks to Maggie & Tony as well as all those that supported this event, but also for your kind donations
Arriving at Chez Maggie & Tony's, Limalonges for the last Station Buffet, as the house has been sold.
Maggie & Tony hosted a good spread of food for 18 of us. As this was a Charity event we managed to raise €265.
Not only a big thanks to Maggie & Tony as well as all those that supported this event, but also for your kind donations
Charente Ales - 3 August
The club had a stand at the Charente Ales Car, Bike and Agricultural day. An opportunity to show off the MGs and promote the club.
It was an excellent day out and as always the burgers and beer was good.
It was an excellent day out and as always the burgers and beer was good.
Charity Event IME Confolens - 12 July
We met up just outside Confolens, then as a group drove to the IME in Confolens. This is a charity for children with learning difficulties.
We then took the children out, in the MGs, for a run along the river and back. All the children that wanted a ride got a ride, which was good news for everyone. The feedback from the staff, was that all the children enjoyed themselves.
We were then treated to a buffet lunch. After lunch the club presented a cheque for €350 to the charity.
A big Thank You to all those that supported this event and volunteered to take the children out in their MGs.
We then took the children out, in the MGs, for a run along the river and back. All the children that wanted a ride got a ride, which was good news for everyone. The feedback from the staff, was that all the children enjoyed themselves.
We were then treated to a buffet lunch. After lunch the club presented a cheque for €350 to the charity.
A big Thank You to all those that supported this event and volunteered to take the children out in their MGs.
Independence Day Event - 4th July
For those that were headed through Ruffec, Andy planned a run through the countryside - to avoid just going there and back on the N10.
We then met up at 'L'Auberge de l'Abbaye' in Saint-Amant-de-Boixe for coffee at 10:30. After refreshments, we took the opportunity to explore the church and Abbey (a guided tour using map and personal guide).
Then back to the 'L'Auberge de l'Abbaye' restaurant for lunch.
Thank You to Dan & Glenda for organising this Independence Day event.
We then met up at 'L'Auberge de l'Abbaye' in Saint-Amant-de-Boixe for coffee at 10:30. After refreshments, we took the opportunity to explore the church and Abbey (a guided tour using map and personal guide).
Then back to the 'L'Auberge de l'Abbaye' restaurant for lunch.
Thank You to Dan & Glenda for organising this Independence Day event.
CMGOC Away Trip - 18 to 21 june
Tuesday 18th June - Day 1
10 of us met up for coffee at 10am at the Hotel Des Voyageurs in Chef Boutonne. The weather was kind to us, it was forecasted for showers but it remained dry until we arrived at the Hotel. Five Cars (4 MGs & 1 Town Car) set off for a gentle run towards Niort for our first comfort stop. Then it was on to Coulon (The Green Venice). Here we had a picnic lunch under the trees next to the river La Sèvre Niortaise - which runs from the city of Niort to the Atlantic Ocean.
After a quick look around the lovely small town of Coulon, we continued our drive in convoy into ‘The Vendee’ region with its different architecture and picturesque landscape. We arrived at the 'Hotel Admirals' in Les Sables d’Olonne around 3:30pm, after negotiating many roundabouts through the busy city. They had kindly reserved 5 parking spots directly outside the hotel. The hotel is situated in Port Olona, where the Vendee Globe yachts are moored. It is also close to restaurants, cafés, bars, etc.
Wednesday 19th June - Day 2
After breakfast we had an exciting start to the day with heavy rain, jagged lightning and rolling thunder joining us for our drive out to the ‘Musee Automobile de Vendee’, arriving at 10:30. Here we spent a happy hour or so looking at incredible private collection of motor vehicles.
After coffee, we went outside to a discover that the rain had passed by and we were able to put the roofs down and head off to a Boulangerie in La Roche Sur Yon for lunch before heading off to the ‘Musee du Chocolat’. After watching an informative video and looking at the history of chocolate we were rewarded with some very tasty samples which we really enjoyed.
Later we continued in convoy and arrived back at our hotel about 4pm, due to heavy traffic we got separated en route but all managed to arrive at the hotel safely. As the warm sunshine was finally shining on us, we had a walk around the area, with some people taking the water taxi to the main sandy beach where Eric had a lovely swim.
Thursday 20th June - Day 3
Eric & Gill had pre)decided that this was a non-car day. So this was an opportunity for us to explore Les Sables-d’Olonne. We started off with a walk around the Marinas, admiring the variety of boats and also some of the big ‘around the world’ sailing yachts. Then headed onwards to the ‘Musee du Blockhaus Hopital’. This is a 1943 German bunker that was specifically built as a hospital. Then a gentle walk to the sea front for coffee and then lunch. As this was a free-day, some went off to explore the countryside, some went paddling in the sea and others went shopping. The good thing about this town is that there is a very reasonably priced water taxi that saves us walking all the way back around the marinas.
Friday 21 June - Day 4
We checked out of our hotel at 10:00 and headed off south with our tops down along the winding coast road with incredible sea views seeing people learning to surf and some very expensive real estate en route to Port Bourgenay, where we stopped for coffee/tea. Continuing our journey arriving in Lucon at 12:30 for a light lunch. Unfortunately the pre-booked restaurant had decided to close for this week without informing Eric & Gill. Se we generally found our own places to eat and then all headed home.
A wonderful CMGOC away-trip to an area that was new to all of us. A huge Thank You to Eric and Gill for planning and successfully executing this trip, with the hotel, excursions, comfort breaks, lunch stops, etc. and thanks to all those that supported this event.
10 of us met up for coffee at 10am at the Hotel Des Voyageurs in Chef Boutonne. The weather was kind to us, it was forecasted for showers but it remained dry until we arrived at the Hotel. Five Cars (4 MGs & 1 Town Car) set off for a gentle run towards Niort for our first comfort stop. Then it was on to Coulon (The Green Venice). Here we had a picnic lunch under the trees next to the river La Sèvre Niortaise - which runs from the city of Niort to the Atlantic Ocean.
After a quick look around the lovely small town of Coulon, we continued our drive in convoy into ‘The Vendee’ region with its different architecture and picturesque landscape. We arrived at the 'Hotel Admirals' in Les Sables d’Olonne around 3:30pm, after negotiating many roundabouts through the busy city. They had kindly reserved 5 parking spots directly outside the hotel. The hotel is situated in Port Olona, where the Vendee Globe yachts are moored. It is also close to restaurants, cafés, bars, etc.
Wednesday 19th June - Day 2
After breakfast we had an exciting start to the day with heavy rain, jagged lightning and rolling thunder joining us for our drive out to the ‘Musee Automobile de Vendee’, arriving at 10:30. Here we spent a happy hour or so looking at incredible private collection of motor vehicles.
After coffee, we went outside to a discover that the rain had passed by and we were able to put the roofs down and head off to a Boulangerie in La Roche Sur Yon for lunch before heading off to the ‘Musee du Chocolat’. After watching an informative video and looking at the history of chocolate we were rewarded with some very tasty samples which we really enjoyed.
Later we continued in convoy and arrived back at our hotel about 4pm, due to heavy traffic we got separated en route but all managed to arrive at the hotel safely. As the warm sunshine was finally shining on us, we had a walk around the area, with some people taking the water taxi to the main sandy beach where Eric had a lovely swim.
Thursday 20th June - Day 3
Eric & Gill had pre)decided that this was a non-car day. So this was an opportunity for us to explore Les Sables-d’Olonne. We started off with a walk around the Marinas, admiring the variety of boats and also some of the big ‘around the world’ sailing yachts. Then headed onwards to the ‘Musee du Blockhaus Hopital’. This is a 1943 German bunker that was specifically built as a hospital. Then a gentle walk to the sea front for coffee and then lunch. As this was a free-day, some went off to explore the countryside, some went paddling in the sea and others went shopping. The good thing about this town is that there is a very reasonably priced water taxi that saves us walking all the way back around the marinas.
Friday 21 June - Day 4
We checked out of our hotel at 10:00 and headed off south with our tops down along the winding coast road with incredible sea views seeing people learning to surf and some very expensive real estate en route to Port Bourgenay, where we stopped for coffee/tea. Continuing our journey arriving in Lucon at 12:30 for a light lunch. Unfortunately the pre-booked restaurant had decided to close for this week without informing Eric & Gill. Se we generally found our own places to eat and then all headed home.
A wonderful CMGOC away-trip to an area that was new to all of us. A huge Thank You to Eric and Gill for planning and successfully executing this trip, with the hotel, excursions, comfort breaks, lunch stops, etc. and thanks to all those that supported this event.
Run & Lunch - 6th June
Unfortunately we had to cancel our planned club visit to the Ferrari 500 weekend, so we decided to organise a run out to the Lakes instead. We met up at Les Tilleuls café, St. Claud. After refreshments, 5 MGs (1 MG Mk 1 Midget, 1 MGF, 1 MGF Trophy, 1 MGTF & 1 MG EHS) set off, crossing the N141 at Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure on the D27. We stayed on the D27 through Sameau to La Tàche where we joined the D16, then D27 and eventually the D50 to Le Lindois & Valence. Then D163 to Sauvagnac and Saint-Front. Then across country to Le Soleil Couchant (aka the Sun Shack) on Lac de Lavent, Verneuil. Here we were joined by Brad, Jeannine, Vyv & Jill for lunch.
Thanks to Maggie for organising the lunch stop.
Thanks to Maggie for organising the lunch stop.
Run & Lunch - 16th May
Thirteen of us met up at Le Virage 86460 Pressac, for coffee. A very good selection of 6 MG's on the run (1 MGYC, 1 MGB, 1 MGA, 1 MGTC, 1 MGF, & 1 MGTF), plus 1 town car, set off in good weather for top down motoring. Travelling through Availle Limouzin to Bouresse for a brief comfort stop before continuing through lovely country side and villages via L'isle - Jourdain, Bussiere Poitevien, Darnac, St Sornin La Marche through to St Bonnet de Bellac for a look at Paul & Maggie's extensive MG collection at L'ancien Presbytere and a superb lunch. We were very fortunate that the heavens opened after we had raised our hoods and sat down to lunch.
A big Thank You to Paul and Maggie for arranging this run and lunch and to all those that joined us on the event.
A big Thank You to Paul and Maggie for arranging this run and lunch and to all those that joined us on the event.
Run & lunch - 2nd May
14 of us met up at Les Tillieuls café, St. Claud for coffee. Then six MGs (1 MGB GT, 1 MGF, 2 MGF Trophies, 1 MGTF & 1 MG EHS), plus 2 town cars, set off through Nieuil, turning on to the D60 and then disappearing on to some very good country lanes. Winding through the countryside, woods, etc. through Suaux, Valerie, Chez Limouzin, Les Mazovilleres, Les Labouries, Les Boiges, Sargnac, Les Mottes, Mouzon before arriving at Le Durand Bar, Lesignac for lunch.
A big Thank You to Brad and Jeannine for arranging this run and lunch and to all those that joined us on this event.
A big Thank You to Brad and Jeannine for arranging this run and lunch and to all those that joined us on this event.
President's run - 18th April
15 of us met up at Les Tilleuls café, St. Claud for coffee. After refreshments seven MGs (1 MG YC, 1 MGA, 1 MG Midget, 3 MGFs, & 1MGF Trophy), plus 1 town car set off through Saint-Laurent-De-Céris to Alloue. Here we had a brief photo stop. Then on through the countryside; épenède, Pleuville, Asnois, Genouillé, Vouleme, Montalembert, and Londigny before arriving at the Auberge du Noyer (Walnut Tree) for lunch. Here we were joined by 2 more members.
A big Thank You to all those that supported the first run of the year.
A big Thank You to all those that supported the first run of the year.